Monday, October 10, 2022

All About ESP32 Development Board with Wifi & Bluetooth and AMICA Node MCU ESP8266 Module

ESP32 Development Board with Wifi & Bluetooth

The ESP32 Development Board with Wifi and Bluetooth is a low-footprint, minimal system development board powered by the latest ESP-WROOM-32 module and can be easily inserted into a solderless breadboard.

It includes the ESP-entire WROOM-32's basic support circuitry, including the USB-UART bridge, reset and boot-mode buttons, an LDO regulator, and a micro-USB connector. The developer has access to every important GPIO.

Projects That You Can Do With The ESP32 Development Board With Wi-fi And Bluetooth:-

  • Universal low-power IoT sensor hub
  • Home automation.
  • Mesh network.
  • Industrial wireless control.
  • Sensor networks.
  • Smart Socket.
  • Wi-Fi speech recognition device.

AMICA Node MCU ESP8266 Module:-

The AMICA Node MCU is an excellent Wi-Fi chip that can be used in a variety of wireless applications. Arduino-style hardware io that is interactive and programmable. The board's Micro USB slot can be directly connected to a computer or other USB host devices. It is a great way to add internet connectivity to any embedded project.

Projects That You Can Do With The AMICA Node MCU ESP8266 Module:-

  • Internet Smoked Alarm
  • VR Tracker
  • Octopod
  • Serial Port Monitor
  • ESP Lamp
  • Incubator Controller
  • IoT home automation
  • Security Alarms

Sunday, October 9, 2022

TTGO T-Call ESP32 SIM800L Module

 The TTGO T-Call V1.4 ESP32 SIM800L is a brand-new ESP32 development board with a SIM800L GSM/GPRS module. The new board combines an ESP32 WiFi & Bluetooth WiSoC with a SIMCom SIM800L GPRS module, and it also uses a USB-C port for power and programming rather than the more common micro-USB port on this type of hardware.

It can also function as a stand-alone board with integrated battery charging that supports up to 500mA. Apart from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, you can communicate with this ESP32 board via SMS or phone calls, and connect it to the internet via your SIM card data plan. This is ideal for IoT projects without access to a nearby router.


What is the use of the TTGO T-Call ESP32 SIM800L module?

Assume you are attempting to build a remote IoT data monitoring system. The first challenge will be determining how to effectively connect your device to the internet. The internet is a constant source of frustration, whether you want to be notified when someone enters your room or water your plants from afar. In such cases, the esp32 with SIM800L GSM/GPRS Module could be quite useful. The SIM800L is a very small GSM/GPRS module that can be included in a variety of IoT projects due to its small size and adaptability.

What are a GSM and GPS module?

GSM is an abbreviation for Global System for Mobile Communication. A GSM/GPRS module is used to connect a microcontroller (or a microprocessor) to a GSM / GPRS network. GPS is an abbreviation for Global Positioning System. A GPS module receiver tracks multiple satellites and solves equations to determine the receiver's precise position and deviation from true time.


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Awesome Arduino UNO Projects to Try in 2022!

1.Farmaid: Plant Disease Detection Robot

In this Arduino Project, the author is inspired by the work of and, and we want to use the DonkeyCar platform to build an autonomous robot that can move around a farm environment without damaging existing plants or soil, and we want to use objects Detection to find and mark diseased crops with eco-friendly colors.

What do you need:

  • Arduino UNO
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
  • ibt-2 H Bridge
  • Raspberry Pi Camera Module

2.Intelligent Door Lock

In today's world, security and accessibility are major concerns. We are constantly striving to keep our home secure while making our home devices easily accessible even remotely. This Arduino project will show you how to convert an Arduino UNO into a door lock using a Raspberry Pi camera.

What do you need:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 / 4 / Zero / 2 / 1
  • Raspberry Pi Camera Module
  • Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
  • Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
  • Mono Audio Amp Breakout – TPA2005D1
  • Pushbutton switch 12mm

3.Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense Game Controller

PRABEEN built this game controller with an Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense, which includes a proximity sensor. As you can see, this is a simple and enjoyable Arduino project!

What do you need

  • Arduino Nano BLE 33 Sense / XIAO BLE Sense
  • USB Cable Assembly, USB Type A Plug to Micro USB Type B Plug

4.Arduino Radar

It detects stationary and moving objects with the help of an ultrasonic sensor and an Arduino. And this is a simple Arduino project for beginners!

What do you need?

  • Arduino UNO
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Breadboard
  • SG90 Micro-servo motor

5. Arduino Weather Station

A powerful Arduino weather station can assist you in more efficiently watering plants and lawns. Use the daily report to determine whether you can skip an irrigation day. Smart Weather will even communicate with connected irrigation systems automatically. You can learn how to use an arduino uno to connect other sensors to monitor the temperature and humidity of your garden in this cool arduino project.

What do you need?

  • 16X2 LCD RGB Backlight – Full-Color Display
  • Temperature & Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
  • Female/Female Jumper Wires
  • Male/Female Jumper Wires

6. Arduino 3D Axonometric Projection

Any method of mapping three-dimensional points to a two-dimensional plane is referred to as 3D projection. Because most current methods for displaying graphical data are based on planar two-dimensional media, this type of projection is widely used, particularly in computer graphics and engineering. In addition, this project Although Arduino is difficult is still a fun Arduino project.

What do you need?

  • Arduino Pico
  • TFT Touch Shield V1.0
  • ESP-32

7. Making Famous Magic Wand 33x Faster

Do you want to be a wizard for a day? This project will show you how to use a small PCB board to transform a stick in your hand into a magic wand. And this is a really enjoyable Arduino project!

What do you need?

  • Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense or XIAO BLE Sense
  • Wooden Magic Wand ( wooden stick )

8. Arduino Distance sensor and OLED

You can find this blog here. In this blog, you will learn how to use an Arduino UNO and an Ultrasonic Sensor to detect the distance between two objects and use a Graphic OLED to display the distance. This project is ideal for Arduino beginners.

What do you need?

  • Arduino UNO
  • Grove – Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
  • Graphic OLED / Graphic LCD
  • Jumper Wires

9. IoT Weather Data Logger Using Blues Wireless

This project will walk you through the process of building an IoT-based weather data logger using Blues Wireless hardware modules; no SD card, Wi-Fi, or BLE is required. To track your weather data, simply connect your Blues Notecard and Note carrier to the controller.

What do you need?

  • Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
  • DHT11 Temperature Sensor
  • Air Quality Sensor
  • Light Sensor

Source- Seed Studio

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

What is a Pulse sensor?

A pulse wave is a change in the volume of a blood vessel that occurs when the heart pumps blood, and a pulse sensor is a detector that monitors this volume change.

To begin, there are four primary methods for determining heart rate: electrocardiogram, photoelectric pulse wave, blood pressure measurement, and phono cardiography. The photoelectric method is used by pulse sensors.

Heart Rate Measurement Method

Depending on the measurement method, photoelectric pulse wave sensors are classified into two types: transmission and reflection.

Transmission types measure pulse waves by emitting red or infrared light from the body's surface and detecting changes in blood flow as a change in the amount of light transmitted through the body during heartbeats.

Reflection-Type Pulse Sensor

Reflection-type pulse sensors (Optical Sensors for Heart Rate Monitor) emit infrared, red, or green light toward the body and use a photodiode or phototransistor to measure the amount of light reflected. Because oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood of the arteries absorbs incident light, we can measure the pulse wave signal by sensing the blood flow rate (change in blood vessel volume) that changes as the heart contracts over time.

Furthermore, because reflected light is measured, the range of suitable areas is not constrained as it is with transmission-type pulse sensors.

Reflection-Type Pulse Sensor - Operating Mechanism

Infrared rays contained in sunlight can affect pulse wave measurement using red or infrared light, preventing stable operation. As a result, use indoors or semi-indoors is advised.

Because a green light source with a high absorption rate in hemoglobin and less susceptibility to ambient light is preferred for outdoor pulse wave measurement (e.g., by smart watches), ROHM uses green LEDs as transmission light sources.

Pulse Sensor Applications-

In general, arterial blood oxygen saturation can be measured by looking at the period of fluctuation from the waveform obtained by measurements of the pulse wave sensor and observing the pulsation (variation) using the heart rate as well as both red and infrared waves (SpO2).

Furthermore, using data from pulse sensors should allow for the calculation of various vital signs such as HRV analysis (stress level) and vascular age via high-speed sampling and high-accuracy measurement. The pulse sensor can be interfaced to Arduino and a 16 X 2 display. 

Monday, October 3, 2022

What is HDMI?

HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and it is a standard for transmitting digital video and audio from a source, such as a computer or TV cable box, to a computer monitor, TV, or projector at the same time. It was created by a consortium of electronics manufacturers and has since become widely used, with almost all televisions and computer monitors supporting the interface.

The HDMI initiative began in 2002 to improve existing connectivity standards (e.g., DVI, component video) by developing a smaller connector, adding support for embedded audio, and delivering a higher resolution video signal. HDMI's success was such that by 2008, shipments of HDMI-enabled devices had surpassed those of DVI.

HDMI Cables

The HDMI interface enables a port to send high-resolution digital video, theater-quality sound, and device commands down a single HDMI cord, each designed to support a video resolution and features in the HDMI specification.

There are also various HDMI cable types. The logo is not used on all cables, but the cable specifications should state whether it is Standard, High Speed, Premium High Speed, or Ultra High Speed. If no type is specified, assume Standard.

HDMI Ports and Connectors

Type A (Standard), Type C (Mini), and Type D (Micro) HDMI connectors are the most common today. HDMI Type B (Dual Link) was designed for extremely high-resolution displays but was never implemented. The HDMI Type E connector, which is intended for automotive and industrial applications, is also not shown.

The most common HDMI connector type is the Standard HDMI connector (Type A). These 19-pin connectors are found on nearly every brand of television, computer monitor, game console, streaming device, and desktop computer.

Types of HDMI cables

Standard HDMI

Mini HDMI connectors (Type C) have 19 pins and offer the same features as full-sized Type A connectors but in a smaller, more compact form factor. It is typically used on portable devices such as DSLR cameras and tablets due to its smaller size.

 – Mini HDMI

Micro HDMI (Type D) connectors are about half the width of Mini HDMI connectors but retain all of the functionality of their larger siblings. Micro HDMI connectors are found on small, portable devices like phones.

Micro HDMI

 Your standard HDMI cable is converted to a Micro HDMI connection by the HDMI to Micro HDMI Adapter. Connecting your digital camera, video camera, media player, or game console is just one of the many possibilities. This micro HDMI adapter works with a wide range of mobile devices.

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